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My Holistic Journey... what's it all about then?

Updated: Feb 1, 2020

So this is my first blog ever written and I've never been inspired to start writing until my work life changed direction. For years I was an adult nurse looking after all manner of ailments and loved it (actually I could write many eye opening stories about those days!!). Throughout this time I trained in lots of complementary health courses. Why? because I was fascinated by them but more over I felt that conventional medicine wasn't enough. We had always been taught to look at a person holistically but my thoughts were how can I treat someone holistically when they may not fit the mould of the care we were taught to give (which I truly believe has its place too).

After having 2 children I realised that juggling the balls of life at home and work, oh and building an extension, was not possible and I kept dropping balls until they all spectacularly came crashing down, and I as left in bed for 7 weeks unable to care for anyone. It was a make or break time decision with nursing, and although I absolutely loved it and felt privileged to meet and help people at their most vulnerable I realised that if I couldn't look after myself and my family then how was it possible or fair to look after anyone else?

Once my life got back on an even keel and I got better. I had to find something to do. I ummed and aahed and nothing really grabbed me. You see the problem was that I loved nursing and all the jobs I saw advertised looked so boring- I couldn't see myself sitting at a desk or doing a job which didn't benefit other people's well being. All the ones that didn't look mind numbingly dull were connected to nursing and by then my nursing registration had lapsed. So I remained confused about my future and rather annoyed that something wasn't appearing in front of my eyes...I wanted to create a difference to people's lives without having the restraints of conventional medicine.

I had been to a Kinesiologist since I was about 24 years old and it hadn't occurred to me that it was a direction I could go in to. When one of my Mum's friends came to visit (the head of the Holistic Kinesiology in Scotland, Christina Damerell) she was coming down from Scotland to Sussex to treat another friend of my parents. I felt I should be there and she agreed I could come. Whilst at his consultation I started to think maybe I should be doing something like this.

Christina directed me to the head of Touch for Heath Kinesiology Sandy Gannon. I enroled in a foundation course with her. As soon as I began the course I knew that this was what I was meant to be doing and I was on the right pathway. I completed the course and passed with flying colours.

I learnt how to combine all my skills and focus on clients "highest" priority at that time- which means my clients have the option of not just having Touch for Health Kinesiology but also all the therapies I have trained in over the years- Reiki, Colour Mattrea, Crystals, Aurasoma, Magnets, Sound (tuning forks, singing bowls), EFT to name but a few...

I'm always amazed at the results I get and how my clients feel after a treatment and the changes that can happen in their lives. It makes me realise I'm on the right pathway too.

If you'd like to know more or have a consultation then please do contact me!

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