Most of us are in "lock down", either going slightly mad trying to home school and work simaltaneously, or working to the point of exhaustion to keep everyone else in isolation. But are those in isolation making the most of this valuable time?
So often we long for spare time to complete the list of jobs around the house, or concentrate on a little bit more self care, but I wonder is actually doing that and how many people are wasting an opportunity.
I, for one, have managed to clear out one cupboard successfully a job that has been looming for a long time I've also done other maintenance things around the house which i felt i couldn't put off any longer!! I have continued with my daily yoga and meditation- but I've also been planning things for our future.
Whilst I am always thinking about me, us and the 'bigger picture'; our connection to each other. I am sure that others are thinking a few soul searching questions too- and whilst I celebrate this, it is with sadness that it has taken such a catastrophic incident for people to lift up their head and step out of their own self absorbed worlds. The who am I? and what is my part on this earth? is waving in front of so many of us now- societies are now coming together- helping the vulnerable, protecting people and finally, at last, showing their support for the medical and care teams working endlessly to save the lives of the sick, to the supermarket and shop staff who continue to work to keep us fed and all those other supporting us. Remembering we are just a tiny drop in a great big ocean sometimes makes people think that we don't and can't make a difference, but if all of us can do positive things together we can make change things.
So, at ground level I find the constant "I'm hungry" wearing, as is the mess left by the occupants of my house but in the thick of this all but I recognise that in this moment, this is how we are meant to be- with the chaos and mess so that we remain well and safe.
If you can make a plan (I love planning and writing lists) it will help organise your chaos and your thoughts. This is the perfect time to highlight all the things that you want to achieve.
Write down what you want or need to do not just during this time of self isolating but also in the future. You may realise that you don't spend enough time with your family or friends, or that you spend too
much time working and not relaxing. You may want to change direction in your career- how could you achieve this? What are the stepping stones to get there? Could you do any of these whilst at home now? Perhaps you want to lose a bit of weight or start up a book club? Write them all down, the smallest of things to the most adventurous. Of course, the next thing to say is don't feel you have to achieve all these things at once! Remember you are in control of your life and you can steer tread your own pathway.
I'll end with this, my top 5 things to do to help with self isolating:
1 Exercise daily- whatever you like- walk, run, yoga, dancing, gardening. Exercise raises our endorphines reducing stress and reducing depression.
2. Stay in touch with people using video calling- we have so many available- facetime, whatsapp, zoom, house partying to name a few.. There is nothing like actually seeing someone- it helps raise our emotions positively.
3. Clear out the clutter- what a perfect time to get rid of the mess that you've wanted to do for ages. That saying a tidy house is a tidy mind has real merit to it and it will make you feel so much better. Marie Kondo it! (she has great tutorials on line).
4. Use this time for reflection- how will you lead your life? how will you make decisions in the future? How has it changed the way you feel about your place in society? Notice the little things in life. Look around you- who could you help? How could you give a time to others in need?
5. Do the things you love- spend this time to meditate, sing, dance, play the piano, paint or draw, laugh- watch funny things on TV, surround yourself with happiness to counteract all the sadness on the news. And be grateful and thankful for the things we do have.
Stay safe and well,
Zoe, x